Lume has a powerful plugin system to extend its functionality with new features and support for more formats.
- Attributes
Provide helpers to manage attributes and class names of HTML elements
- Base path
Automatically add a base path to all urls
- Code Highlight
Code syntax highlighting using highlight.js
- Date
To manipulate date & time values in different locales
- ESbuild
Bundle JavaScript, TypeScript and JSX files using esbuild library.
- Eta
Use the template engine Eta to build pages.
- Feed
Generate a RSS or JSON Feed automatically for your site
- Filter pages
To filter pages under a specific condition
- Imagick
Image manipulation using Imagick
- Inline
Inline CSS, JavaScript, SVG, and images in the HTML.
- JSON Installed
Add support for JSON or JSONC to store data and create pages.
Create pages and layouts with JSX (React).
- JSX Preact
Create pages and layouts with JSX (Preact).
- Katex
TeX math rendering in html
- Lightning CSS
Transform and minify your CSS files with Lightning CSS.
- Liquid
Use the Liquid template engine to create pages and layouts
Use MDX to create pages.
- Markdown Installed
Create pages in Markdown format
- Metas
Automatically add
tags for SEO and social networks. - Minify HTML
Minify the HTML code of your pages.
- Modify URLs
Modify all URLs of HTML files with a custom function.
- Modules Installed
Use ESM and TypeScript modules to create pages, layouts, and store data.
- Multilanguage
Create multiple language versions of the same page
- Nav
Provide a helper to build menus and breadcrumbs.
- Netlify CMS
Run Netlify CMS to update the site content
- Nunjucks Installed
Use the Nunjucks template engine to create pages and layouts.
- On demand
Plugin to render pages on demand in Deno Deploy
- Pagefind
A static search engine in your site
- Paginate Installed
Provide a helper to paginate results.
- Picture
Create responsive images using Imagick
- PostCSS
Transform your CSS code with PostCSS.
- Prism
Code syntax highlighting using Prism
- Pug
Use the Pug template engine to create pages and layouts
- Relations
Create automatic relations between pages
- Relative URLs
Convert all URLs to relative.
- Remark
Use Remark to render the markdown content.
- Resolve URLs
Resolve all URLs pointing to source files.
Compile SCSS files to CSS.
Optimize SVG files with SVGO
- Search Installed
Provide a helper to search pages from other pages.
- Sheets
Add support for Spreadsheets to store data.
- Sitemap
Generate a sitemap automatically for your site
- Slugify URLs
Slugify all page URLs to remove potentially conflicting characters
- Source Maps
Generate source maps files for your CSS and JS.
Add support for TOML to store data and create pages.
- Tailwind CSS
Use Tailwind CSS to create the CSS styles.
- Terser
Minify JavaScript files with Terser.
- URL Installed
Provide the
filter to fix and resolve URLs. - Vento
Use the Vento template engine to create pages and layouts.
- Windi CSS
Use the Windi framework to create the CSS styles.
- YAML Installed
Add support for YAML to store data and create pages.
🔥🔥 From the community 🔥🔥
- lume_cleancss
Use CleanCSS to minify CSS with structural optimization.
- lume_plugin_ci
Lume plugin for accessing CI information. Integrates deno-ci with your Lume websites.
- lume_plugin_squoosh
A plugin for Lume to use Squoosh CLI for handling images for your static site.
- lume_publish
Create a new post on the social network that specify in the frontmatter of each page
- lume-plugins
Collection of plugins
- oi-lume-charts
Lume Plugin that enables charting
- serea
Charts, diagrams and graphs